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  • 草坪护理 in 切萨皮克

    每个房主都希望有一个华丽,郁郁葱葱的草坪,他们可以自豪地炫耀. But what if your landscape simply isn’t up to snuff? 在ALM, 我们把你的疲惫和憔悴的景观,把它变成郁郁葱葱的草坪,你一直梦想没有麻烦.

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    Locally owned since 1998, 我们为社区里的邻居提供草坪护理十大彩票网站感到非常自豪. We offer superior products, excellent customer service, & guaranteed results. 

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    草坪护理 十大彩票网站 in 切萨皮克

    让我们面对现实吧:实现你梦想中的完美草坪可以成为一项全职工作——尤其是当你面对夏天的阳光和炎热的时候! Luckily, transforming your lawn is our business. Whether you grow cool-season or warm-season grass, our team of experts are ready to tackle the toughest of yards. 我们提供切萨皮克及周边地区最好的草坪护理十大彩票网站.

    Comprehensive 草坪护理 十大彩票网站

    切萨皮克有很多草坪护理公司,但没有一家能达到我们对质量的承诺. 我们为我们的客户提供训练有素,经验丰富的技术人员的优质十大彩票网站, 以及卓越的产品和个性化的客户十大彩票网站. 我们的草坪护理专家参加持续教育,以确保我们是最新的技术. Our services in 切萨皮克 include:

    • Fungus and disease control
    • Weed control
    • Lime applications
    • Lawn fertilization
    • 蚊子, 跳蚤, & tick control
    • And much more!

    Get Your Dream Lawn Today!

    Weed Control in 切萨皮克

    当杂草占据你的财产时,它会给人一种不健康的草坪的错误印象. 经常, weeds crowd around your home, 向四面八方发芽,让你觉得有点被困住了. 在ALM,我们希望帮助您实现并维护您应得的健康草坪. 我们的草坪专家在切萨皮克提供最全面的杂草控制,以保持您的草坪美丽! 

    Effective, Long-Term Weed Control

    你是否厌倦了在阳光下花费数小时,拔出顽固的杂草,但收效甚微或毫无效果? 你害怕看到那些杂草一次又一次地回来吗? Sit back and let us do the hard work for you. 我们ALM的草坪专家提供紧急杂草控制,以消除已经存在的杂草,并提供紧急杂草控制,以防止未来杂草的生长. 我们致力于帮助您全年获得健康的草坪.

    Grub Control in 切萨皮克

    蛴螬是乳白色的幼虫,占据你的草坪,吃你的草. 如果这些害虫不加以治疗,它们会严重阻碍草坪的生长. At Agronomic Lawn Management, 我们在切萨皮克提供蛴螬控制,帮助您永远摆脱这些害虫!

    Eco-Friendly Grub Control

    我们的草坪护理专家使用环保的解决方案来消除您院子里的蛴螬. In order to avoid using chemical-heavy lawn treatments, our experts treat larvae when they are most vulnerable. We provide you with effective, 家庭友好的蛴螬控制,让你得到你需要的帮助,而不会危及你的健康, 你的家人, and the environment. 

    当你在切萨皮克选择农艺草坪管理来控制蛴螬时, you are guaranteed the following:

    • A thorough inspection of your lawn 由我们的国家认证的草坪护理技术人员执行,以确定任何存在的问题.
    • Seasonally targeted grub control applications to provide your lawn with year-round protection.
    • The application of granular activated products 这是我们参与绿色环保的重要组成部分 & Clean Initiative.

    Lawn Pest Control in 切萨皮克

    今年的春天来得很晚, 夏天, 早秋应该与你的孩子和宠物一起度过户外的美好时光. Unfortunately, with a heightened presence of 夏天time pests like mosquitoes, 跳蚤, 和蜱虫, 在美丽的春夏季节,许多人都把家人安置在室内. Instead of living in fear, turn to Agronomic Lawn Management for professional mosquito, 跳蚤, and tick control in 切萨皮克. When you choose to team up with us, 你会回到户外享受你应得的内心平静. 

    Family-Friendly Outdoor Pest Control Treatments

    我们理解您想要充分保护您的家人和宠物免受有害生物的侵害, 我们也理解你对使用有害产品来驱赶蚊子的恐惧, 跳蚤, 和蜱虫. 这就是为什么我们提供家庭和环保草坪害虫控制解决方案. Our treatments involve:

    • 10 fogging treatment applications to ensure complete eradication of mosquitoes, 跳蚤, 和蜱虫.
    • Recurring services from April through October因此,在户外害虫季节的几个月里,你可以得到充分的保护.
    • 额外的 information 关于 outdoor pests in your area.

    Disease Control in 切萨皮克

    有很多不同的问题会损害你的草坪的健康和外观, but few are as frustrating as a fungal outbreak. 草坪真菌可以是一个巨大的障碍,你的努力培育充满活力,有吸引力的草皮. Dollar spot fungus, 霉, brown patch, 无数其他草坪疾病是由许多环境因素引起的,可能是您自己处理的挑战. 这就是农艺草坪管理公司在切萨皮克为草坪疾病提供环保治疗的原因.

    蚊子, Flea, and Tick Control for a Pest-Free Lawn

    蚊子、跳蚤和蜱虫会把愉快的户外体验变成噩梦. At Agronomic Lawn Management, our goal is to keep these pest populations under control, 确保你的院子对你的家人和宠物来说是安全和愉快的. Our comprehensive pest control service includes:

    • 10 Lawn Pest Control Applications:我们全年提供彻底的治疗,以确保有效和持久的虫害防治.
    • Pet and Family-Friendly Treatments: Our treatments are safe for your loved ones, including your pets, administered by our trained and skilled exterminators.
    • Targeted Protection: We address pest problems directly at their source, maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of our treatments.
    • Guaranteed Pest-Free Yard: 享受一个没有蚊子,跳蚤和蜱虫的院子,我们的满意保证.

    With Agronomic Lawn Management, 你可以抛开烦恼,毫不犹豫地享受户外的美景. Our locally owned and operated business prides itself on fast, friendly service tailored to the needs of 切萨皮克 residents.

    Lawn 播种 in 切萨皮克

    A healthy, vibrant lawn starts with the right seeding process. Our slit seeding service is designed to rejuvenate your lawn, filling in bare spots and ensuring a lush, green turf that can withstand the seasons. Here’s how our expert grass seeding process works:

    Lawn Inspection and Analysis: 我们的认证草坪护理技术人员首先检查您的草坪,并进行彻底的分析,以确定其具体需求.
    Precision 播种: Depending on the condition of your lawn, 我们小心翼翼地在你的整个院子里铺上草籽,并运行我们的狭缝播种机,以确保种子与土壤的最佳接触.
    Post-Treatment Guidance: After the seeding treatment, 我们的技术人员将教您正确的浇水技术和草坪护理实践,以达到最佳效果.
    Vibrant and Resilient Lawn: 在秋天享受一个更饱满,更有活力的草坪,准备好忍受冬天,在春天蓬勃发展.

    请注意,我们的草坪播种十大彩票网站是一项额外的十大彩票网站 comprehensive lawn care programs, ensuring ongoing care and maintenance for the best results.

    Serving 切萨皮克, VA and the surrounding communities


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    5 Star Review

    We have been very pleased, our lawn looks great! No weeds,super green!

    Andrea Conti
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    Best company and customer service ever...优惠的价格和技术人员超越了取悦客户... thank you ALM

    Virginie Aires
    5 Star Review

    KC has my yard looking awesome. He's professional and hard working .

    Wayne Manley

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